Anyway, cut the story short, you people know whats this is,
Now, lets take a look at all the pictures
Firstly, I'll introduce the 5 pretty ladies whom ordered the Gears....
Cai Ping, Xiao Shan, JiaMin, Luan Yin who bought the Gold Weave Ladies White and lastly our champ, Doan who bought the Gold Weave Ladies Blue along with Yee Chok's Summer Blue.
Next will be our Mundial Black, Kenneth and Kusuma. ( Most expensive of all )
Black and Gold wording, You can't be wrong with this 2 colour combination =D
Up next will be our Mundial Whites, Anil and Farhan. Both seniors of our BJJ@NTU team, great selection and choice of Gi's. Presenting to you, the BigBoyzToyz
Lastly, the WannaBe's, Mundial Red, Hark Keat, Jonathan and myself. I present to everyone, The MeanMachines
Now, for the posing, at least for the belts =D. On the left, obviously longest, Hark Keat, Myself, Jonathan, Farhan, Kenneth, Yee Chok, Kusuma, Anil, Doan, Xiao Shan, Cai Ping, Jia Min and lastly, Luan Yin ( Happy birthday Luan Yin ).
This is how it looks like when it first arrived. And seconds after =D
For those whose interested in training with Gi, and wish to purchase the same ones, can always contact me, you guys know how to reach me =D
I'll be most willing to do the mass order again. But meanwhile, those who already ordered from me, its time to have fun.
I'll like to thank the 13 ppl who trusted me in this mass order. And everyone who helped me in this mass order.
PS: Hark Keat, thanks for helping me lots, together with the rest.
PS again : Jonathan, thanks for helping with the accounting when we were short of $$
PS again : Xiao Shan, thanks for coordinating with your sisters
PS again : Doan, thanks for giving me the $$ in USD, erm....well its an experience I guess? Never ever hold a 100usd note in my hands be4, hehe