NTU Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

The first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school club in Singapore.


Friday, July 11, 2008

7th July 2008 - Activity Room 2

Here are some of the photos and videos as promised, thanks for the patient wait!

Videos of girls grappling won't be posted here, cos we need to protect our image :) One day, when we can grapple with er, 'grace', we will post it up here!

Doan in blue with Caiping on her left

Farhan confident of the grapple with Doan..

Tired Farhan AFTER grappling with Doan ..

Other grapples to learn from :)

Farhan (White) vs Kenneth (Black)

For those who missed the last session, do some self-learning.. haha

Ok, i don't know the name of this one...

This too...

and this is "Yuhau's Style" (just like there's a Doan's Choke )

(some videos exceed the max upload size, so i cant post it here)