Grappling for Strength and Self Defense. Attaining Leverage, Speed, Courage, Timing, Flow and New Friends.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Sketch
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Sketch
and BTW its not GAY!!!!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Grappling tournament
there will be a MMA/Grappling tournament in december.
currently projected to be on the 15th of december.
will keep you guys updated as the data come in.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
BJJ students are invincible !!!Muahaha
Friday, September 26, 2008
Layout changed
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Pretty girls must protect themselves
3 Step Sparring game
the aim of this is to have fluidity in movement of body position.E.g. mount and side control..
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
bjj warms up again
Friday, September 5, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Random post
Especially the battle between XS and JM. It's great, both shown excellent BJJ techniques and
Come come XS, post it here ^^
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Gi personalisation
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Gentle reminder
- Activity Room 4 @ 6 – 7pm for Monday and Wednesday starting 18 aug 08
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
my body aches!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Hey everyone!!:)
Sch's starting real soon and i believe we're all itching to grapple. We managed to book
the room 2 on Mon (4/8) and wed (6/8) from 6-8/pm ( so even if u are working, try to come too ok:) ).
We would greatly appreciate if you guys could come (with GIs !!) esp on wed cos we will be bringing some interested hunks and babes:) and maybe our proposed bjj club staff advisor down to see us have fun ! I am sure they would want to see the hunks in BJJ:) And to our dear pres yuhao, we will be relying on u to ensure that the guys will come ok! ( pls pass this msg to yuhao if u see him around)
cai ping and xiao shan
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Time Table for the New BJJ classes
(Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)
Dear Representatives,
I have reserved Activity Room 4 @ 6 – 7pm for Monday and Wednesday (10 sessions in 5 weeks)
* Please be remind that Semester recess period is from 20 to 28 Sep 08.
Please take note and also help to inform/remind the instructor that :-
1) We will set up a booth to recruit participants on 12-14 Aug 08 along the North Spine walkway.
6) S&RCtr staff will mend the registration booth. Each student will be paying in cash a registration fee of $20/10 sessions per course. Receipt will be issued.
For your action :-
1) We can help you print brochures, please approach us 1 week or earlier (with your softcopy or sample), before the date of the recruitments.
2) You are encourage to be present at the booth and PROMOTE your course.
Hope to hear your reply soon.
Thank you.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
BJJ in movies
Donnie Yen vs Collin Chou Flash Point End Fight
Donnie Yen Vs Sammo Hung
Friday, July 18, 2008
2 man crash course on BJJ
Friday, July 11, 2008
7th July 2008 - Activity Room 2
Videos of girls grappling won't be posted here, cos we need to protect our image :) One day, when we can grapple with er, 'grace', we will post it up here!
Tired Farhan AFTER grappling with Doan ..
Other grapples to learn from :)
Farhan (White) vs Kenneth (Black)
For those who missed the last session, do some self-learning.. haha
Ok, i don't know the name of this one...
This too...
and this is "Yuhau's Style" (just like there's a Doan's Choke )
(some videos exceed the max upload size, so i cant post it here)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Feed Back on Monday pract...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Cam Whoring
Just some random pictures that we've took.

After the long hours of training, everyone just throw their Gi's on the floor. The powerpuff girls are so nice to help us fold back our Gi's. Love them =D
(Thanks to all the girls of BJJ@NTU, every little things you girls did for us, which we took it for granted, we really wanna say, THANK YOU)
Haha, we requested Jason to put on a White Belt for photo taking, its all good, his very sporting and goes along with our request. Introducing our lady champ, Doan from vietnam ^^
Bahhhh, Me and Yu Hau cam whoring, nothing much to say =D
Kenneth, posing with his beloved black Gi. And yes, his doing BJJ, not Silat ^^
Our powerpuff girls, the rest of the girls wasn't around. (Shan, CP, CL and etc, faster come back from holiday, we need you girls!)
And Farhan, same as me, thought we were liked by them =[
YES, our family photo, all GI photo. No worries for those who were not able to make it, we will meet up next week for another photo taking ^^
I suggested doing a Dojo photo where everyone has to kneel formally. But I just can't sit properly and yeah, a candid shot from me =P
Me, Faizal and Yu Hau. Faizal came over to our school for some lessons, he wanted to see my training. So why wait? I called upon him and ta-da, here he is =D
The red rangers. Jonathan, me and Hark Keat. 3 of us decided to get the Red Gi. Think we looked really good in red, skill wise...who cares? hehe.
The Whitessssss, omg, ladies Gi look so damm good.
Sorry for the random sequence, Im having a splitting headache and still trying to recover from it. I hope you guys had fun during the training which I did.
Great grappling
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mundials 2008 Black belt open division
Roberto Abreu "Cyborg" vs. Andre Galvao
2008 Mundials womans match
Choking on the World's Biggest Stage... Literally!
from the match above i have learned one thing "i will rem to tap next time" :(
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Top 10 Signs That You've Grappled Too Much
Top 10 Signs That You've Grappled Too Much
10) You know who Mitsuyo Maeda is.
9) You understand that a "Kimura" is not a traditional Japanese women's dress.
8) You have been involved in a "Gi vs. No-Gi" argument at some point.
7) Your animal impressions suck, as they always involve a turtle and you on all fours, not moving.
6) In bed, you refer to missionary as "Guard."
5) When someone says "Triangle," you think "Choke."
4) You correct people on the internet who spell out BJJ as "Brazilian Jujitsu."
3) Every time you give somebody a hug, you make sure you have the double underhooks.
2) You know that "SAMBO" isn't a Latin dance.
1) You "Say Gracie" before every meal.
okay okay i know not all we understand but i love no 7.... LOL
The Arrival
Anyway, cut the story short, you people know whats this is,
Now, lets take a look at all the pictures
Firstly, I'll introduce the 5 pretty ladies whom ordered the Gears....
Cai Ping, Xiao Shan, JiaMin, Luan Yin who bought the Gold Weave Ladies White and lastly our champ, Doan who bought the Gold Weave Ladies Blue along with Yee Chok's Summer Blue.
Next will be our Mundial Black, Kenneth and Kusuma. ( Most expensive of all )
Black and Gold wording, You can't be wrong with this 2 colour combination =D
Up next will be our Mundial Whites, Anil and Farhan. Both seniors of our BJJ@NTU team, great selection and choice of Gi's. Presenting to you, the BigBoyzToyz
Lastly, the WannaBe's, Mundial Red, Hark Keat, Jonathan and myself. I present to everyone, The MeanMachines
Now, for the posing, at least for the belts =D. On the left, obviously longest, Hark Keat, Myself, Jonathan, Farhan, Kenneth, Yee Chok, Kusuma, Anil, Doan, Xiao Shan, Cai Ping, Jia Min and lastly, Luan Yin ( Happy birthday Luan Yin ).
This is how it looks like when it first arrived. And seconds after =D
For those whose interested in training with Gi, and wish to purchase the same ones, can always contact me, you guys know how to reach me =D
I'll be most willing to do the mass order again. But meanwhile, those who already ordered from me, its time to have fun.
I'll like to thank the 13 ppl who trusted me in this mass order. And everyone who helped me in this mass order.
PS: Hark Keat, thanks for helping me lots, together with the rest.
PS again : Jonathan, thanks for helping with the accounting when we were short of $$
PS again : Xiao Shan, thanks for coordinating with your sisters
PS again : Doan, thanks for giving me the $$ in USD, erm....well its an experience I guess? Never ever hold a 100usd note in my hands be4, hehe
Sunday, June 1, 2008
10am- We took bus to thomson road and we alighted just after 10minutes. Instead of the route Cai Ping suggested, I decided to bring them to the more fun route. Everyone is kinda low in spirit, well, waking up at 8am is a chore to most of us.
10.20am- Weather starts to turn...erm....bad? 5 of us are not gonna turn back just because of this freaking weather aren't we? So we decide to carry on the journey, hoping it doesn't rain that soon. Well, shit do happen, it doesn't rain, it freaking POURS!!! We tried to seek shelter under some trees, which still....Nevermind..... Smarty Cai Ping brought her own rain coat, Yu Hao brought his ultra duper "BIG enough for 5 person umbrella" ...., Kenneth brought SAF's raincoat and borrowed his water non-resistant jungle cap to Yee Chok and ALSO WET LOR!!!!
11am- We carried on the journey till the PONR(point of no return), we had to seek shelter for like 5mins under a guard house, lots of families been sharing the place and we thought, lets freak it, carry on the journey. The rain just gets heavier, Worrying bout our safety, Cai Ping suggested we seek shelter at the Country Club Multi Storey Car Park. Did some Cam-Whoring at the Car Park =D
12noon- We reached the TreeTop guardhouse and we asked some passbys to take photos for us. And since its Cat 1, we have to wait till the weather gets better till we can start to cross the bridge. I myself had a fear of heights, REAL FEAR, not a little but a REAL BIG DEAL. I was the last to cross the bridge and those monkeys did CAM WHORING ON THE BRIDGE. OMFG. I was choked by my own balls for each steps I took. The scenary was breath-taking, but I wasn't enjoying it. History events was passing through my mind, I saw myself when I was little. My first cigarette, my first bike, my first of everything. I SAW MY LIFE. I thought I'm gonna die....OK, getting out of hand, scenary is breath-taking and thats it.

Look closely, my hands is never off the rail
Now, we lost track of time, but I do remember we decided to hit the "Jelutong Tower", yes the name itself implies, A TOWER. Wise man once said, It doesnt rain, it pours. I had to climb the tower with them and yes, I was shaking. We shared our childhood memories together, or at least our secondary school. FYI, do you guys know Cai Ping was the Head Prefect in her school? Yu Hao and Yee Chok's high school has a total of 7000students? Every outing we had each time, allows me to know them better. Which I really did enjoy.
After the Jelutong Tower, Cai Ping suggested we back track and return back to Thomson. However, the Courageous 5 decided to take the other route itself. We took the RifleRange route. We wasn't sure at first as no one had ever tried the route before. After 1-2km, we reached a dead end, at least thats what it looks like. Kenneth took the initiative to recce the place. Thanks to the state of the art technology, Ken's used his mobile and asked us to move forward. He met a family up ahead and the uncle told him how to get out of the place.
Well, lots of walking...lots and lots.... And somehow, we came out of the place, we are now on top of an expressway, with lots of K9 with their owners patrolling the place.
Saw lots of monkeys and saw a weird signboard. DO NOT THREATEN MONKEYS WITH BANANAS. Cam Whoring again =D

Now we caught up with the family as we are sort of lost. They told us to take the Bukit Timah cyclist route instead of the RifleRange road which we could save a whooping 3km of walking. The uncle was surprised to hear we came from Thomson, LOL, who WON"T???? So Yee Chok, Kenneth and Yu Hao decided to do a little race among themself to see who reach the summit first. I decided to STAY BACK & PROTECT Cai Ping =P
I think Yee Chok reaches the summit first, kenneth then Yu hao. Kudos to you guys, bad news is, they went the wrong route =P
In short, we did more and more of walking and we reaches Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, did cam whoring again. Cai Ping took a photo of a overview map of the distance we had covered.
Just to let you guys imagine how far we walked, we enter from Thomson road, existed from Beauty World ^^
Yee Chok, Kenneth, Yu Hao and Cai Ping's feet was soaked. They bought slippers to change at Beauty World and we had our lunch/dinner there. Yu Hao had his usual Pig's trotters, Cai Ping Hokkien Mee, the rest all Mutton soup to finish off.
Well, the journey ends here,